
If a importer of vietnam want to buy ex-proof lightings from China, what should care?

1. Ensure the lighting meets the relevant safety standards for use in hazardous areas. 2. Ensure that the manufacturer has the necessary certifications and approvals for […]

Top 5 suppliers in Guangdong China for ex-proof lighting

1. Guangdong Jiahao Lighting Co., Ltd. 2. Guangdong Yaming Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. 3. Guangdong Xinghui Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. 4. Guangdong Foshan Permil Opto-Electronic Technology […]

How to choose outdoor lighting fixtures for power plants and substations?

Power plant lighting is designed according to the typical characteristics of large machinery, multi-level workspace, and uninterrupted work in power generation enterprises. We generally divide it […]

Troubleshooting Induction Lights in Warehouses: Causes, Solutions, and Selection Tips

Introduction: In the realm of industrial lighting, efficiency and reliability are paramount. Often sprawling and operational round the clock, warehouses rely on lighting systems to ensure […]